If you’re getting a procedure at Atrium Health, you may be tested for COVID-19 beforehand. You’re having surgery or another procedure that requires sedation.You might be asked to show a negative test result for work, school or travel, or to attend an event where exposure to COVID-19 is a risk. You should get tested if you were around a lot of people and couldn’t stay 6 feet apart, including travel and large social gatherings. If you were recently in a large group of people and you’re not fully vaccinated.If your first test is negative, get tested again 5 to 7 days later. If you’re not fully vaccinated: Get tested and start to quarantine as soon as you find out about the exposure.You don’t need to quarantine unless you test positive. If you’re fully vaccinated: Get tested 3 to 5 days after you were exposed to COVID-19.Exposure can happen if you’re within 6 feet of someone who tests positive for COVID-19 for at least 15 minutes, even if one or both of you were wearing a mask.
It’s a good idea to get tested if you feel sick, even if you’re fully vaccinated. Some symptoms include fever, cough, shortness of breath and loss of taste and/or smell.